Take advantage of flexibility order and picking systems.
Auto-reservation/level-based reservation
Redirecting Stock is a necessary but sometimes completed and inefficient part of any Warehouse management process. But it doesn't have to be: with Warehouse Management and Distribution, you can easily define routines to follow when orders exceed available stock. The auto-reservation routine will first try to reserve against your expected Purchase order / receiving, then inventory on-hand in the selected warehouse. If the item cannot be filled, the reservation system will reserve the item at a location. When all lines are reserved (according to the reservation and delivery rule), the wave will release the outbound order to picking. You can define customer parameters to determine when reservations should take place so that you avoid reserving stock before it's needed.
Auto-print and release picking lists
Picking list can be printed automatically, or release to RF terminals depending on your business performance. If you have several picking list printers in your warehouse the system will route the picking list to the best-suited printed/RF terminal. Warehouse Management & Distribution also supports sending different forms to different printers.
Synchronize Shipments
Create shipment schedule on starting when the shipment is expected and when the items will need to be picked up. Shipping schedule can also be used to track ship departure dates and purchasing processes.
Process orders instantly
With Warehouse Management & Distribution, order processing is in instant and automatic. As soon as the order is confirmed, it will be processed against the delivery rules you set. Items will be received, the system will generate electronic packing lists, and pick area relief requests will be ordered and dispatched to the warehouse as needed.
Fine-tune Packing and invoicing
Packing stations enable you to efficiently pack customer orders, using barcode scanning and touch screen monitors to ensure customers get the goods they ordered, as well as print packing labeling, packages slips, and proform a invoices. Shipment weights are recorded, and all packages are marked with a unique packing ID. Because the packing station is integrated with the freight forwarder, all relevant information is automatically sent to the freight forwarder, Customers will receive a delivery notice with a link to the relevant track and trace information.
Create distribution orders to fulfill your store
Distribution orders enable you to fulfill multiple store or customers from a single order. For Example, if you have 50 stores and you want to distribute items to the theme, a distribution order can be used to create all the needed sales orders and transfer orders to each store.
Redirecting Stock is a necessary but sometimes completed and inefficient part of any Warehouse management process. But it doesn't have to be: with Warehouse Management and Distribution, you can easily define routines to follow when orders exceed available stock. The auto-reservation routine will first try to reserve against your expected Purchase order / receiving, then inventory on-hand in the selected warehouse. If the item cannot be filled, the reservation system will reserve the item at a location. When all lines are reserved (according to the reservation and delivery rule), the wave will release the outbound order to picking. You can define customer parameters to determine when reservations should take place so that you avoid reserving stock before it's needed.
Auto-print and release picking lists
Picking list can be printed automatically, or release to RF terminals depending on your business performance. If you have several picking list printers in your warehouse the system will route the picking list to the best-suited printed/RF terminal. Warehouse Management & Distribution also supports sending different forms to different printers.
Synchronize Shipments
Create shipment schedule on starting when the shipment is expected and when the items will need to be picked up. Shipping schedule can also be used to track ship departure dates and purchasing processes.
Process orders instantly
With Warehouse Management & Distribution, order processing is in instant and automatic. As soon as the order is confirmed, it will be processed against the delivery rules you set. Items will be received, the system will generate electronic packing lists, and pick area relief requests will be ordered and dispatched to the warehouse as needed.
Fine-tune Packing and invoicing
Packing stations enable you to efficiently pack customer orders, using barcode scanning and touch screen monitors to ensure customers get the goods they ordered, as well as print packing labeling, packages slips, and proform a invoices. Shipment weights are recorded, and all packages are marked with a unique packing ID. Because the packing station is integrated with the freight forwarder, all relevant information is automatically sent to the freight forwarder, Customers will receive a delivery notice with a link to the relevant track and trace information.
Create distribution orders to fulfill your store
Distribution orders enable you to fulfill multiple store or customers from a single order. For Example, if you have 50 stores and you want to distribute items to the theme, a distribution order can be used to create all the needed sales orders and transfer orders to each store.